
1 | InDesign

The InDesign documents featured on this ePortfolio show how my InDesign skills have developed over the semester.
My first attempt at using InDesign was creating the Whale Watch brochure in which we were given the content, and were talked through how to compile it step by step. I was pleased with the end result of my brochure, as it was identical to the example given, though did run into some hurdles along the way. I had issues with resizing the images, and they were pixelated, but with assistance I was able to rectify these issues. 
The cookie recipe and Jamie Oliver recipe were similar exercises in which we were given the content, and had to compile it ourselves. Due to the InDesign tutorial mentioned above, I had the skills to create these and found them to be simple tasks. Unlike the Whale Watch brochure and Jamie Oliver recipe however, the cookie recipe was my own design. I created a clean design, with white space to ensure readability, which is integral to cookbooks. 

The Wordpress homepage and Space Invaders brochure are examples of information products created in which I was allowed complete control over the design, and near complete control of the content. I brought my own design qualities to both documents, similar to those seen in the cookie recipe; clean, a use of white space, and modern. Through these two documents I was able to extend on my InDesign skills, and experiment more with the different functions.

I found learning InDesign to be the most beneficial skill I have developed over this semester. I currently work in a marketing/ graphic design agency that uses InDesign for all design projects so am able to utilise my new skills at work. Proficiency in using InDesign is also a quality potential employers look for, so will be an advantage when applying for jobs.   

2 | Writing

This ePortfolio features a number of my writing pieces over this semester. A range of writing genres have been included, to give a thorough understanding of my writing style.

The two articles, Voluntourism and Down the Rabbit Hole are written in two different genres, but for similar target audiences. The National Youth Week brochure and Art Month Sydney invitation were pieces written for printed collateral. I therefore had to consider how they would be viewed, and whether the text would fit in with the layout and context of the product (for example, keeping the text minimal for a postcard); they were very much exercises in information design. The three pieces under Writing for audiences are an example of my ability to write for varied audiences. The underlying message of the text is the same for each (to present myself), though they have been adapted to different markets. 

In the marketing industry, the ability to write well, and to adapt that writing to different audiences is an incredibly important skill and one I feel I need to build on, as is the concept of information design. I feel I have improved in both skills this year due to numerous exercises, and hope these skills are evident in this ePortfolio.