Skills Audit

This skills audit was completed in weeks 1 and 11 that shows my skill developments over the semester. There are a number of skills that I felt have improved, such as writing technical reports, using InDesign, blog creation and leadership skills. I still have a lot of room left for improvement, and hope to develop these skills over my next three semesters at uni.

The SMART goal I have devised in relation to this skills audit is:

Over the next semester, I would like to develop my design skills and proficiency in InDesign to a level that allows me to assist in document production in the studio at work for at least two hours a week. This will be achieved through practice and experimenting with InDesign in my spare time, as well as reading InDesign guides. 


Whale Watch brochure

This brochure was created for an InDesign tutorial in which we were given the content, and were talked through how to compile it together. 

Wordpress homepage

I created two designs for newsletter The Kick newsletter for the subject Media Writing and Production. The first was created using InDesign, and as I found it hard to transfer the design into the Wordpress interface, I created a new homepage with an existing Wordpress template. The new design was also created to fit in with the direction of the newsletter, which was targeted at women. 

National Youth Week brochure

Based on information found on the National Youth Week website and promotional postcard, this brochure was created for their 2012 National Talent Competition.