Writing for audiences

These writing pieces were created in an exercise on writing for different audiences. The first was written as a letter to a boyfriend or girlfriend, the second a description of myself for the class, the third a description of myself for a potential employer. 

Writing Piece 1 |  I like to think of myself as a kind, caring, passionate person who is intelligent and driven towards her goals. A person who loves animals, respects other people and is a loyal friend. I like to think of myself as cultured and creative, open-minded and not a follower of the pack. I think you’ll find me a good girlfriend as I love a laugh, and am never more content then when at the pub, drinking beer and watching cricket.

In reality however, I definitely have my flaws. You will hopefully find me to be those things above, but I am a terrible cook, can get very restless, especially on a sunny day when I’m not at the beach, can eat enough food to feed a small family, and constantly have my head in the clouds dreaming. I also have a talent for falling asleep anywhere, something that you will see less as a talent and more as an annoyance when showing me your favourite episode of Star Wars. Oh yeah and I’m not a Star Wars fan. Or Lord of the Rings. Sorry.

Writing Piece 2 | Howdy, my name is Katie, I’m a second year communications student with a fondness for stupid words like howdy. I’m 23 years old next week, and am only just in uni now as it took me so long to figure out what I wanted to do. I have spent the last few years working in accounting, marketing and completing a diploma in PR and last year finally committed myself to a university degree. I currently have two jobs in the marketing industry and when I finish uni hope to be a marketing manager.

Unfortunately I also have a fondness for the beach and travelling and am not very good at being cooped up in offices on sunny days, so every so often I get an urge to quit uni and my jobs and move to a tropical island and be a travelling bartender for the rest of my life, occasionally busking on a guitar to earn some extra beer money.

My parents and boyfriend have advised this is probably just a phase which I will grow out of, so I am trusting them and for now and continuing on the hopefully not too soul draining corporate path. 

Writing Piece 3 | I am applying for the marketing coordinator role advertised on Seek. I am currently in my second year of a communications degree, and have a varied practical background within the industry. I spent a year and a half working as a marketing assistant at a fashion company, but was told to advance within the industry I would need to further my education. I then completed a diploma in public relations before beginning at the University of Technology, Sydney last year. When I commenced university, I gained an internship at marketing agency Bang, and in October last year they offered me a position as a part-time account executive. I currently juggle the position between university and another job at Disney Destinations International as an assistant for the sales and marketing team. I previously held an internship at public relations company Lemonsoup, but had to give it up due to other commitments.

As well as my extensive experience within the marketing industry, I am hard working, organised and use my initiative.